A Shout Out to Tammy

Another longtime contributor to Wrap-A-Smile, and Rotaplast, is Tammy S in Texas.  Long before I ever knew about these organizations, Tammy was busy making her gifts of love to comfort these special patients. 

Tammy is a member of the Sunshine Online Quilt Guild whose members support a variety of initiatives where comfort quilts serve as a warm hug and which let the recipients know that they are not forgotten. Her recent shipment for WAS contained this variety of fun colorful quilts. (Be sure to scroll to the bottom...there is a # that will astound you!)

A scrappy quilt using colors of the Olympic flags

A temperature quilt (Tammy has the code)

Modeled after an afghan she admired

A scrappy quilt made from a pattern in an antique scrap book

Another modeled after a design in the antique scrapbook

And the last two....just for fun

I recently asked Tammy if she knew how many quilts she had made for WAS. She responded that over her quilting lifetime she had given away 1244 quilts (that she had records for!)....not all for WAS, but many, as the Sunshine Guild has supported WAS for over 20 years. 

For many years, Tammy ran the Block Lotto for the Sunshine Guild.  Members would send in blocks according to monthly themes and Tammy would turn many of those blocks into quilts for Wrap-A-Smile. Those quilts have always been special to me because of the "many hands" that contributed the "love of many" into the final quilt.  Here is one of the Block Lotto quilts that I show when I give talks about WAS. 

We are so grateful to Tammy, and all our other wonderful contributors who have sustained this program since our founder Terry had her inspiration 23 years ago.  Rotaplast has changed lives with their corrective surgeries, and hopefully our quilts have helped to add love and hope to those lives.

With heartfelt gratitude, 



  1. Tammy's quilts are amazing! And I'm blown away by her dedication to charity quilting. Atta girl, Tammy!!


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