20 years later!

Another happy box of 42 quilts for Wrap-A-Smile just arrived from upstate New York.  The sewing group run by Kim V and Linda S has been contributing quilts to us for more than 20 years!  Kim and Linda, who lead a group of sewists at Zion United Methodist Church in Macedon, New York, have also brought many others into our network over the years. 

We are so thankful both for the loyalty of our longtime contributors, and for those who continue to spread the word to increase the number of quilters who help us. Since 2001, WAS has made sure that every Rotaplast patient is wrapped in a comfort quilt at the time of their life-changing surgery….30,000 quilts and counting….a remarkable achievement!!

For more of the backstory, here is Kim’s post from 6 years ago, sharing how she and her group learned about WAS. 


Enjoy the latest quilt show from NY    

Thank you to all who support Wrap-A-Smile's mission

of sharing comfort and love as medical missions change lives.

Generosity abounds.

One quilt at a time we are letting others know

that they are not forgotten.

With heartfelt thanks 💕


